Summer is coming, are you ready?

Summer is fast approaching and here at Beauty in Prague we want you to be at your best ready for the lovely weather. People will soon be forgetting about their jeans and jumpers and will be opting for shorts, vest tops and swimsuits. Some women and men become self conscious about their body in the summer months, we can help to make you feel more confident in your own skin.
Diet and exercise may have not given you the results you want, as quickly as you wanted but Beauty in Prague offer the following procedures to help boost your confidence:
And many, many, more.
If you want to get your body summer ready then you will need to fill out a free consultation form to ensure that you are able to have the surgery you require or if there is a better alternative, our surgeons will be happy to give their opinion.
Any surgery you have requires a recovery time at one of our beautiful recovery apartments. You will need this to ensure you heal correctly. It is best to plan to have your surgery a few months before you want to wear that swimsuit or those shorts, just to ensure that your body is fully healed.
Free email consultation
For more information, please call 0800 023 2592 or apply for our free email consultation by filling in the Medical Questionnaire and sending us the photos:…estionnaire/