Women Sell House to Afford Plastic Surgery

In the aftermath of weight-loss, women can be disappointed by their new appearance. Skin which was formerly enlarged may not shrink back when the weight is loss, causing excess skin folds. Women who suffer from this can feel very unhappy.
This was the case for Sally Spaticchia, who lost a radical amount of weight. She was told that the cost of perfecting her body would be over £20,000, and this was much more than she could afford. Her mother, Marlene, realising that her daughter would never be happy without the cosmetic surgery, decided to sell her house in order to pay for the procedure. Sally was able to pay for her plastic surgery, resulting in increasing confidence and a more shapely figure.
Cosmetic surgery in Prague
If you have recently lost weight and want to do something about excess skin, we can help you. Just contact Beauty in Prague today and speak to one of our highly-qualified plastic surgeons.
For your free email consultation simply fill in Medical Questionnaire and send us some photos of the areas to be treated.