Set Accident Caused Daniel Craig to have Cosmetic Surgery

The most recent star of the Bond movie franchise, Daniel Craig, has made it clear that he has had plastic surgery after a set accident left him needing cosmetic repairs. The surgeon was needed because Craig had been kicked by a co-star, resulting in severe damage to his face, and needing a severed fingertip to be reattached.
Not everyone is able to appear as James Bond, but most of us have suffered some kind of permanent injury during our lifetimes. Whether it is a childhood accident that has left a scar across the cheekbone, foreign insect bites that have left raised red marks, or other types of damage, these little marks clearly stand out from the surrounding skin.
Cosmetic surgery in Prague
If you need help covering up scar damage, or need treatment for skin marks that attract unwanted notice, then you should contact our company, Beauty in Prague. Speak to our professional plastic surgeons today, and you could get the help you really need.
For your free email consultation simply fill in Medical Questionnaire and send us some photos of the areas to be treated.