Prague Cosmetic Surgeons mission in Guatemala

We are very proud to announce that our very own surgeon Dr Vrtiskova has started the mission for Rotaplast International, in Guatemala.
Rotaplast International, Inc. was founded in 1992 by Dr. Angelo Capozzi and the then Rotary Club President Peter Lagarias in collaboration with the Rotary Club of San Francisco to facilitate a surgical program in La Serena, Chile to treat children with the cleft lip and palate anomaly who would otherwise not receive surgical intervention. This initial historic mission took place in January of 1993.
Dr Vrtiskova not only has a medical degree and over 20 years of plastic surgery experience, she is also a national representative of Eurocleft for the Czech Republic.
Dr Vrtiskova is volunteering on the third mission that has taken place this year. Approximately 100 children receive treatment during each mission depending on the number of operating rooms available. This helps to save lives and save smiles.
Keep checking our Facebook and Twitter pages for updates on Dr Vrtiskova’s journey for Rotaplast in Guatemala.
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