Is Gastric Surgery the right Option?

It may not come as a surprise to many but one in every four adults in Britain is now officially obese. This is one big reason why the NHS has to spend a lot on treating diabetes, which is a disease usually caused by excess weight. In a story covered in the Daily Mail, it was reported that the cost to the NHS of treating diabetic patients has reached a staggeringly high £1.5 million an hour.
For dangerously obese people, surgery is the only life-saving option, as recommended by government watchdog NICE. It was ten years ago that NICE recommended bariactic surgery to treat obesity and the numbers increase every day. A ten-fold increase has been seen and during the last year, as many as 8,000 operations were conducted in England alone. Some of them opted for a gastric band, while others went for a gastric bypass. The main aim of this surgery is to reduce appetite and promote the feelings of fullness. The problem with this was failure to keep the weight off after losing it. In fact, it was found in a Brazilian research study conducted on 782 patients, that more than 63% of patients regained the weight within two years of surgery. This leads to many patients having to go for a second operation.
Cosmetic surgery in Prague
At Beauty in Prague, we don’t offer gastric surgery, but we do offer liposuction, which is a good alternative to other weight loss surgeries. We can also help you with breast reduction and other procedures that will go a long way in making you look slim. Just contact us now or start by asking for your free email consultation.
For your free email consultation simply fill in Medical Questionnaire and send us some photos of the areas to be treated.
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