Important things to remember when coming to Beauty in Prague: EHIC and NHS Number

When coming to Beauty in Prague it is important that you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and your NHS number.
The card is free and easy to obtain via the NHS website and your NHS number can be obtained via your doctor.
An EHIC gives you the right to access state-provided healthcare on temporary stays in other European countries at a reduced cost, or sometimes for free. It will cover immediate and clinically necessary state-funded treatment until your planned return home to the UK.
Without both your EHIC and NHS number you may not get free emergency care, in which case you would need to pay for your medical costs on top of your surgery cost.
Please remember your EHIC card is not an alternative to travel insurance, you should still purchase travel insurance to cover you against any other issues that may arise. Travel insurance will cover other medical costs the EHIC will not, such as paying for your return journey if illness delays you, or covering your personal contributions toward treatment.
For more information, please call 0800 023 2592 free or apply for our free email consultation by filling in the medical questionnaire and sending us your photos.