Celebrities Inspiring Fans to Go Under the Knife

Celebrities inspiring people to change their lifestyles is nothing new, but people are now taking extreme steps to look like their favorite stars. One good example of this behavior is Jenny Fizgerald, a mother-of-two, from Florida.
As reported by the Daily Mail, Jenny Fizgerald opted for a surgical butt lift after watching gorgeous Pippa Middleton during the Royal Wedding. She actually spent £6,000 on her surgery; she firmly believes this will help her find true love. A divorcee for six years, Jenny was of the view that men would not be interested in her because her rear was too flat. After watching Pippa’s perfect rear-end, she made up her mind and booked a butt lift surgery. She said she met her surgeon who asked her to eat ice cream, chocolates and crisps to have enough fat that could be extracted and then injected into her bottom.
Cosmetic surgery in Prague
At Beauty in Prague, although we do not currently offer butt lifts, our expert surgeons can help you have that perfect figure you’ve always been looking for. With procedures like face lift, liposuction and breast augmentation, we help our clients live their dream of looking like their favorite celebrities. Give us a call now or opt for our free email consultation.
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