Breast Implants are a Family Affair

If you’re currently thinking of having breast implants but at the same time are apprehensive of how others will react, you should listen to what the Marshall family has to say. With over £50,000 spent on boob jobs, the family says they are in love with the look of silicone implants.
As reported in British Newspaper, the Daily Mail, the family told hosts of ITV Television’s This Morning, there were next going to have their bottoms re-shaped. Terri, the bustiest of them all, says she’s really happy with her 34HH breasts and appreciates the fullness that cosmetic surgery has delivered. Her elder sister Emma, 30, says she’s so happy with the way surgery has turned her personality, that she’s interested in boosting her figure yet further, namely the aforementioned bottom re-shaping. Ripley, 21, used a loan to pay for her three boob jobs, which has seen her slim figure augmented by breasts of 32H. Chantal, mother to five daughters in all, at age 53, is still happy with the fact that she had breast augmentation surgery, having undergone the procedure three times. Tara too, has had implants, but Britney is the only one of the five Marshall girls that hasn’t had breast augmentation, but she is just 14 years old.
Cosmetic surgery in Prague
At Beauty in Prague, our highly qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeons can help you with all procedures, including tummy tuck, liposuction, nose reshaping, and of course breast augmentation. Contact us now for your free consultation.
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