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Plastic Surgery Patients Look for Pippa Middleton’s Bottom

28. 11. 2011
, Plastic Surgery Patients Look for Pippa Middleton’s Bottom

When the whole world started talking about Kate Middleton’s younger sister last year, it was no surprise that some people decided to have cosmetic surgery in order to make their own behinds resemble that of Pippa.

Known as the Pippa Butt Lift, this plastic surgery is now being offered by surgeons all over the world, from the United States to the UK, and also in Europe.

Plastic surgeons say that cosmetic surgery patients have come to focus upon the dimensions of Pippa’s bottom, envying the smaller but shapelier figure of Pippa. It is estimated that around 80 percent of all types of gluteal surgery involve butt lifts, and as more and more people choose to remodel their own bottoms so they look more like the Royal sister-in-law’s backside, it seems as though the fashion for nice, round and firm bottoms has started.

Cosmetic surgery in Prague

People in the UK who are looking for cosmetic surgery like this can visit Beauty in Prague, where our fully qualified plastic surgeons can help them to improve their appearance. Contact us today for your free email consultation.

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Cosmetic surgery, liposuction, plastic surgeons

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