Australian Women Open to Cosmetic Surgery

Australian Women Open to Cosmetic Surgery
Research has revealed many Australian women are unhappy with how they look. It also revealed a third of Australian women would be willing to opt for cosmetic surgery to enhance or improve their appearance.
A report by News Talk DB revealed the figures, but what was most startling is the connection between looks and happiness. The report said Australian women equate looking good with the level of happiness they experience in their life.
Australian consumers are estimated to have spent $7 billion on improving their appearance in the last year (2011). It spells good news for the cosmetic industry as a whole since Australians are going to be joining the massive crowds surging away from expensive Western health care systems to more affordable pastures.
Beauty in Prague is one of the few companies offering affordable and low cost cosmetic surgery in the West. Now, patients don’t have to go out of their comfort zones to undergo surgery. Our qualified surgeons are able to conduct a wide variety of surgeries. Its estimated patients from the UK can save an average of 60% if they choose Beauty in Prague.