A new you, a new wardrobe – Breast Surgery

Breast Surgery can do more than alter the physical appearance of your breasts, it can also change the way you see yourself, inside and out.
In fact, many women admit they update their entire wardrobe after their Breast Surgery. Our clients tell us that after their surgery they like to choose outfits that better fit their appearance as well as their new figure. Here are some points to consider when planning your wardrobe for after your Breast Augmentation Surgery.
Keep Your Wardrobe as it is
You read that right. Some ladies choose such a natural-looking, small breast implant that there really is little need to purchase any new clothes. Our clients who opt for a subtle, minor augmentation generally mention that they simply just want a slight rejuvenation and delicate change in appearance.
Begin in the Lingerie Department
Before you start filling up a dressing room with new and exciting clothes that match your newer breast profile and contour, make sure to support your new breasts too. We recommend our patients start off with a few new brassieres, including sports bras, and support garments. Make sure that they add comfort and style for your shape. Above all the support is really important for your new breasts.
Match the ‘New’ You
While your new breasts may have you feeling excited and revitalised about your appearance, it can still be easy to fall back into old habits when you go to your favourite clothing stores. Start thinking of dress and shirt cuts that will highlight and accentuate your breasts, rather than smash and hide them. You might even want to bring a friend with you to help you remember to change it up.
We recommend: plunging necklines and square necklines when out shopping! Halternecks and v-neck tops work well too.
Buy That Bathing Suit You’ve Been Eyeing Up
Probably the best way to highlight your curvaceous new body, is to browse through swim departments. Our patients often say that their favourite part of buying a new wardrobe is trying on different bathing suits they would never have dreamed of wearing before.
Above all, you want clothing that will accentuate, not dull the vibrancy of your personality and new look. Steer away from baggy shirts and heavy coats. You’ve worked hard to look the way you look and you deserve to let that show. Choose clothing that best compliments your personality and your attitude towards the ‘new’ you and let that help you show to the world how classy and revitalised you look!
For more information, please call 0800 023 2592 or apply for our free email consultation by filling in the Medical Questionnaire and sending us the photos: http://www.beautyinprague.com/…estionnaire/